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Roser Muñoz


Roser Munoz

She was born in Barcelona and studied at the Institut del Teatre, where she was granted the Extraordinary Prize upon graduation.

She continued her studies of Classical Dance at the Vaganova School in St. Petersburg.

She graduated as teacher of Classical dance with the "Diplome d'Etat" of the Superior Conservatory of Dance of Paris.

Graduates in Pedagogy by the Ministry of Education.

First Dancer of the Ballet du Capitol-Toulouse, direction Nanette Glushak.

First Dancer of the Leipziger, Ballet of Leipzig (Germany), direction Uwe Scholz.

Ballerina of the National Ballet of Marseille of Roland Petit.

Her repertoire extends from the main roles of the Classical Repertoroire, such as: Odette-Odile in Swan Lake, Clara and Sugar Fairy in The Nutcracker, Princess Aurora in Sleeping Beauty, Cindella, Diana and Acteon, Swanilda to Coppélia, Giselle in Giselle, The Fire Bird, Titania in The Dream of a Summer Night, Tatiana in Eugene Onegin by Jonh Cranko, Who Cares, Sinfonie in C Apollo, Themes and Variations by George Balanchine, Sinfonietta by Jiri Kylian, Before Nightfall by Nils Chistie, Vasos Comunicantes by Goyo Montero, Sonate, Die Schöpfung, Pax Questore, Bartok, Dans la Marche, Beethoven 7th Sinfonie, Amerika, Je ne regrette rien, Jeunne Homme, Rachmaninov, Schuman, Grosse Messe (Obtaining the 1st Prize of The BRD), all choreographies by Uwe Scholz.

"Best Dancer of the Year" in 1999 according to the specialized critic (published in the International Ballet magazine).


She has created several choreographies including Jordi Savall's show "Triunfos y Lágrimas", premiered at the Teatro Principal de Burgos in 2005.

In 2003 she participates in the project of the Spanish Ministry of Culture "Vasos Comunicantes" by Goyo Montero premiered in the Kursaal of San Sebastián.


She has participated in many Galas and International Festivals: United Nations Gala: United We Dance (San Francisco, USA) and the Granada Music Festival, among others.

2007: Invited Professor at the Institut del Teatre of Barcelona (recomposing choreographies by Uwe Scholz), at the Imperial Anonymous, at the Conservatoire of Toulouse (France), as well as in different schools in Barcelona.

2008-2009: Invited Teacher at the Galas of Angel Corella.

2010: Guest teacher with the Leipziger Ballet as well as for the recomposition of two pieces by Uwe Scholz: Jeune Homme and Beethoven.

Collaborator and guest teacher since 2011 at the International Dance Seminar in Brasilia.


As an official repetiteur of the choreographies of Uwe Scholz, she has staged his pieces in various dance companies and conservatories: Institut del Teatre of Barcelona, Fortea Professional Conservatory of Madrid, Leipziger Ballett, Cottbus Ballett, National Dance Company of Spain, Ballet do Teatro Municipal Rio de Janeiro and soon she will also do so at the Tiroler Landestheater Innsbruck.

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